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Adding shield to Rynn

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:03 pm
by shoprat
Adding shield to Rynn

there are really 2 ways to get shield attached in game -
1. you can open a 'channel' in .rec using Surreal's modeler and make 'attaching STOMP' at level's startup or in any other time you need ... one of the good feature of this way is what you can use different shading type for your attachment, attach/detach shield by STOMP but it really work buggy - you can not change armor or your attachment would detaches to space ... i.e. it is work bugless only in levels where player has not an ability to change armor (manually, may be STOMPs would work)... to see working example you can get .. necklace and horns are attachments (simple .reo) with specular highlights shading...

2. simply 'weld/merge' shield to .rec using REHTool of other soft... and use it as an armor...

it is hard to ask you what wrong with your current .rec with a shield - try to send me it to i would look into it...
the only feature i found with the modeler is when you add polygons to .rec using modeler you can see them in modeler but not in game, it is because modeler does not include them in the 'global mesh' and adds to the end of weighting section with [POLYGON] word before each polygon's data... to check if this happend - simply perform search through .rec for the sequence [POLYGON] (it is added to quick-search button in REHTool 2.0 and later i think)... but if you merge .reo and .rec using REHTool this has not to happen...