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Arokh's Lair - A Drakan: Order of The Flame and Drakan: The Ancient's Gates fan site |
About Arokh's Lair
This is the old web site, if you have not been automatically redirected to the new version of the site please click below:-
Arokh's Lair is a non profit fan site for Surreal Software's games, Drakan: Order of the Flame (PC) and Drakan: The Ancient's Gates (PS2). For the PC version, the prequel to the PS2 game, you will find reviews of single player add on levels, previews of upcoming add-ons, fan art & fan fiction created by talented Drakan fans and more. For the PS2 version, there is a fan art page and a forum where you can chat about the game with other fans and look for help if you are stuck.
Finally, there is a help section which some of you may find useful if you are encountering problems running PC Drakan on your machine. There are also some fixes for the annoying crash that sometimes occurs when exiting the city of Alwarren in Drakan: OOTF.
Latest News
For information on how to play Drakan on line go here.
14th March 2013 - Arokhs Twin
I have been experimenting with wordpress to get the site
converted to run under Wordpress as this will make running of the site
and posting news much easier. It will allow people to comment on news
posts and much more. For a sneak preview of the test site go to
www.arokhslair.net/wp which
will hopefully be replacing the main site in the coming weeks depending
when I get time to do it. For now you will have to visit our forums -
there's a topic in the general forum where you can comment. Now that I
have half-decent server hardware to run the site on (the old Windows
2000 Server on an old machine was just past it) I can do a lot more and
not limited to age of software. It's something I should have done long
3rd March 2013 - Arokhs Twin
Just a quick update today just to let you know we are
still here. Things have gone well since we changed to the new forum
software last year and we have had a lot of new members admittedly most
of them Blade of Darkness fans rather than Drakan. There has been a few
tech support requests so people are still playing the game and trying to
make levels. Other than that there hasn't been any Drakan news to comment
on recently but rest assured any updates will be posted here.
I did a Google search today and found the Drakan 'novel'
which is the events of both games in story form has turned up on several
eBook sites to which I did not submit. This is OK with me but the story
is something I was really never happy with. I read it again today and a
lot of parts made me cringe and were poorly written; don't get me wrong
the story has had a lot of good comments and reviews so somebody likes
it; its just I think it could be better. The trouble is that the book was
written by several people and it shows. I can't help feeling that the
love between Rynn and Arokh went too far (as the original did until I
removed it - the author who that put that in there went too far
I think...) Unfortunately I can't remember who wrote what so although
I'd like to re-write it I can't really but I would like to change some
parts and flesh it out a bit. I'm no professional writer but I might
give it a go sometime. Any updated versions will appear on this
and memoware.com and fanfiction.net.
August 2012 - Admin
move to the new server and forum is now complete. The forum has been
tested and is working OK however some problems did occur when importing
data from the old Snitz forums. Users with symbols in their username
were truncated so if you are one of these users please contact me. All
other changes are detailed on the forum announcements page at the top of
the forums.
August 2012 - Admin
has been a lot of tutorials from the old Surreal News forums rescued by
our forum member Shoprat who has put a lot of effort into finding
tutorials and other questions and answers on the web and putting them
into a handy zip file which is easy to use and find what you are looking
for. Most have also been repeated on the forums so if you are struggling
with the level editor, a wealth of info can be found there. If you want
to download the zip file, it can be found on the downloads page. Thanks
to Shoprat for the hard work!
We are going ahead with the move from a Windows web server to a Linux
web server this week so there will be some downtime of the site. I have
re-done the site pages in .php so some links won`t work anymore if you
were directly linking to pages other than the index. We will be closing
the forum on Tuesday and replacing it with PHPBB; this work will take
24-48 hours to complete. There will be several problems which we will have to live with
such as archives will be lost and sticky topics etc but
most of the forum data will be imported. Will advise of everything when
work is done.
work is needed due to several reasons - mainly because the site costs
too much to run and we don't get as much visitors as we used to. The
site also badly needs updating and a better server will allow for more
features however a redesign will come with time as I don't have the
interest in the site I used to have years ago. I didn't want to bin it
off altogether as we are the only Drakan site remaining now so this is
the cheapest solution. Secondly the access database the forum uses is
getting too large and unreliable; the move to a MySQL database will
improve this.
June 2012 - Admin
to let you know that I have been doing some work on the website
converting all pages & scripts from .asp to .php in preparation for
the move from a Windows web server to Unix. This is to save costs on
running the site as I don't make any profit from it and all costs come
from my own money. I have successfully managed to change the forum from
Snitz to PHPBB and import most of the forum posts - only the archives
were lost & users would have to request a password reset. This is
all running on a test site so when the time comes next year I only have
to import the latest data and I can make the switch.
will halve the running costs of the web site. I will stick with Windows
& Snitz for now until the hosting expires (or sooner if the forum
database crashes again) so if the site is down in the future, we have
not gone and will be back, just bear with us. It's something I should
have done a long time ago but have been putting it off. The reason I
went down the Windows route is originally the site was running off my
own internet connection at home from an old Pentium Pro server I kept in
the basement. It later moved to a proper host.
on to something about Drakan. First of all thanks to the forum member
Shoprat the level editor tutorial has been updated with an archive of
old posts from the defunct Surreal news forums which will help anyone
wanting to make levels or mods for the game.
Erik Aho who made the music for Drakan: The Ancient's Gates dropped me
an email today to let me know that he has put several of the game music
tracks online. These are the original high quality versions which sound
better than the original game ones. Link here http://soundcloud.com/erik-aho/sets/video-games
June 2012 - Arokh's Twin
unreleased upcoming player made levels & series to the single player
level reviews and downloads page. These probably will never be finished
and all are in a playable state so are worth checking out. Aergoth is a
stunning example of what can be done with the Drakan level editor so definitely
take a look! Also check out Assassin and
Vader Darth's levels which add trading systems, employment and the
ability to purchase property to the game. Newest levels are at the
bottom. I omitted Joaxin's Relic as this is still in development
and is not ready for public release.
March 2012 - Admin
got rid of the webring links on all pages today as the site keeps
redirecting you to their site most of the time when clicking on links
within this site. This make the site very annoying to use as when you
tried to click on a link you got redirected to some random irrelevant
site on webring or got an advert displayed. I will pull out of the
Drakan Webring scheme now. Also the subdomain http://levels.arokhslair.net
now works.
October 2011 - Arokh's Twin
has now got a moddb page for his Drakan 10th anniversary modification
which brings the game more up to date with current graphics and supports
new Direct X 9 features (the original game used Direct X 6) and also
fixes some bugs. The mod will hopefully be released soon which adds some
replayability to the single player game. You can find all information on
the development forum and at the mod db page here. drakan-10th-anniversary
August 2011 - Arokh's Twin
Studios have just announced their new game called Dragon Commander
previously known as Project D. There's a trailer at the moment which
gives a sneak preview with more details coming next week at Gamescom
2011. This game should be of interest to Drakan fans. You don't get to
ride a dragon but actually get to be one. Link to website here.
August 2011 - Admin
never noticed until now that the levels.arokhslair.net sub domain has
not been working since the move to a new server several months ago. Doh!
This is due to stupid windows server 2008 running on the new machine so
there isn't anything I can do about it. Well, actually maybe there is
but I just can't be arsed right now. Please go to player made levels
on the menu to the left.
May 2011 - Admin
have been unsuccessful in getting the forum to work on Linux. Basically
means that if I switch to Linux I will loose the forum and will have to
start over. This will not be happening.
re: below news there is now a demo for Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga on
May 2011 - Admin
know it's not Drakan but I thought I'd tell you dragon fans about a new
game I have been playing recently called 'Divinity 2 - The Dragon Knight
Saga' which is a 3D action RPG made by Belgian developer, Larian
Studios. Having played lots of games over the years this is the only one
that I really enjoyed as much as Drakan. You do get to play as a dragon
from about a 3rd into the game and it's a game that will keep you
enthralled for months. Just make sure you get Divinity2: Dragon Knight
Saga NOT Divinity 2: Ego Draconis as DKS is a remastered, much improved
version with the add on pack Flames of Vengeance included. PC users will
not be able to buy a retail copy however you can download it from Steam
or Larian's
web site. The game is also available on the Xbox 360. More details at http://www.divinity2-saga.com
go buy it, you will
not be disappointed!
you may have noticed that the forums have been intermittent. This is
because I was experimenting with various ways to keep spambots and
knobheads from posting crap or setting up bogus accounts with links to
porn sites etc in their profile. This required code changes which had to
be tested with the forum off-line so sorry about that. I was also
looking at ways to get the site working on a linux server which is a
problem as the forum uses Microsoft SQL Server as a back end. Linux
servers are cheaper than Windows.
September 2010 - Arokh's Twin
just heard Surreal Software has been closed back in June by its parent
company Warner Bros with employees being split up and moved to other WB
studios Snowblind and Monolith. Their games that were in development
have been cancelled with 'This is Vegas' being the biggest loss. Of
course this definitely means no Drakan 3 so to those people who keep emailing
asking if there is a 3rd game, sorry there isn't. The only thing that
might happen is the former surreal staff leave WB and set up their own
studio and make a similar game although in the current economic
climate this may not be for a while. Rip Surreal and good luck to
Stuart, Alan, Heron and others that worked there. If any of ex surreal
employees read this please visit the forum and say hello.
February 2010 - Arokh's Twin
a quick update today. First of all I'd like to apologize for not being
in contact with certain people (two of which have been a couple of years
- So*u please tell me your new email - the one I have bounces) and also
failing to upload fan art etc to the website. This is because I have had
several major disasters and setbacks in my family including deaths,
breaking up of family, loss of job and soon loss of my family home.
Obviously the website and everything else had been put on the backburner
for a while but things are improving. I will be moving to another area
soon and I will need to transfer everything over once I get settled in.
When I get some free time, I will submit your work, just bear with me. AT
August 2009 - Arokh's Twin
dropped me an email recently to say he has found a workaround for no
music when running the game on Vista. The fix can be found on the tips
and help page. Thanks to S. Kobold for this.
a Drakan fan under the name of Wan Dragonica sent me a link to some fan
art hosted over at deviantart. It's not possible to put it on this web
site so here is a link to it. Drakan-Arokh-Rynn-130054506.
it is now 10 years this month the game was released so a massive get
together is being organised. A lot of the old players will be there so
please check the forums and the event calendar for more information on
the upcoming multiplayer event. There are a couple of threads where you
can talk to old friends and new. If you can make it and Drakan works on
your current PC, please come along!
go to www.drakanbonded.com for
further information and to register your participation in the
July 2009 - Arokh's Twin
domain, arokhslair.com is now in my hands and has been mirrored to
arokhslair.net. I forgot to register the .com domain and it was snapped
up by compana, a marketing company that sets up adware sites that are
commonly mistaken for the real thing e.g common typos and different
TLD's so hits go to their adware infested sites instead of the site the
web surfer intended to go to. Anyway its sorted now and I won't forget
to register domains when they expire.
July 2009 - Arokh's Twin
have now been able to get some more web space to host almost all Drakan
files. Single player levels were previously hosted on my ISP web space,
they have now been moved to this server. I am still restricted to the
same amount of bandwidth so I will see how this goes. Multiplayer levels
are hosted on my home server and will hopefully be moved to this server
next month for faster downloads. Bookmark http://levels.arokhslair.net
which will redirect to wherever files are hosted eliminating the need to
update bookmarks if server / web site is changed.
May 2009 - Arokh's Twin
to the demise of planetdrakan.com some levels and Drakan files listed on
this web site can no longer be downloaded. Andrey's server also seems to
have a problem unless the password has been changed. With his server now
being the only place where most Drakan files are hosted this is a
problem. I have some single player levels on this web site but due to
bandwidth & webspace restrictions I am unable to host much more than
this. I will look at updating the links / password for Andrey's server
and the possibility of hosting more files later this week.
May 2009 - Arokh's Twin
has sent in some fan art which is based on the box art for the Japanese
version of OOTF. You can find it in the artist galleries on the art
April 2009 - Arokh's Twin
post of the year as there hasn't been much to post about in the drakan
community but however things are picking up. A couple of indie
developers are looking into making dragon themed games and Shelim who
did the 445++ patch (below) has made a Drakan themed classic scrolling
shoot-em up where you fly a dragon against an onslaught of other dragons
over a sieged town. For more info please see this
post on the forums.
October 2008 - Arokh's Twin
of Shelim's unofficial 445++ patch has been completed and final tweaks
to the code have been made so this is now being released to the Drakan
community. Some undetected bugs / problems may be present so if any are
encountered please let either me or Shelim know over on the forums.
Please do read the installation notes thoroughly before reporting
problems. Note
that this patch is for single player only and will prevent you from
playing the game online but however an uninstall utility is provided so
the game can be reverted to its original form enabling you to play
online again. Some single player levels may be incompatible with this
patch & installing this patch on anything other than the retail 445
patched release of the game may cause unpredictable results. Download
the patch on the downloads page or directly here. This
patch fixes both the 'Alwarren' bug and the crash on game startup on
systems equipped with a Geforce 6 or later graphics card. Existing save
games are unaffected.
September 2008 - Arokh's Twin
over on the forums is working on a couple of patches for Drakan single
player. One fixes the crashing experienced with geforce 6 / 7 / 8 series
graphics cards on Windows XP on some systems and the other fixes the
crash when exiting Alwarren. The geforce crash fix has already been
released but its still undergoing testing and the Alwarren crash is
still in development but should be available soon. These will be ready
to download from this site as soon as testing is complete. Up to now
players had to start the game in developer mode to get around the
crashing at game start up and had to download a save to get around the
Alwarren problem. These patches however will probably invalidate your
existing saves so you will have to start a new game. I need to confirm
this... Many
thanks to Shelim for his hard work for the Drakan community!
Web site © 1999, 2005, 2012 Adrian Smith. Drakan is © 1998, 2002 SCEE,
developed by Surreal