Please read before posting anything in this forum

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Posts: 117
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2000 12:00 am
Location: United Kingdom

Please read before posting anything in this forum

Post by Admin »

This forum is for discussing gaming, computers, technology and discussing problems with the website or forum. We have had some topics that were inappropriate for this site and had to be removed. Some topics here may be moved to the relevant gaming forums below if they are posted especially as posts here are not permanent and will be pruned after a while.

What is not allowed is any subject that can be too controversial and potentially cause offence to other members. This site is in English but we have members from all over the world that have different cultures, religions and political beliefs. What you may find OK may cause upset to others from another country. This is stating the obvious I know but for some it has to be made clear. This means no topics on political debates, religion, conspiracy theories, discussions about race or aimed at any nation in particular or indeed anything that could cause offence to others. The forum moderators may remove such topics if they are deemed unsuitable for this forum. Any decisions on content should be allowed or not rests with the forum administrator whose decision is final.
