General post regarding my game.
General post regarding my game.
Did you think that I forget about my long 'promise'? Nope. However I lost everything about my game due to HDD-backup crash. I have only what I have wrote on notebooks and paper.
In March 2014, I decided to run blog hosted on about works. If you want, you can subscribe or look somethimes, I won't promise I will be writing every day or month. I could write something about story or making assets.
Anyway, I repair PC, and I'm getting to work on real stuff. These 3 years for me were thinking about game elements, UI, story. At first, I wanted to make it concentrated about main character, then about world wich she would take actions - Azshara. But I think the original idea was better.
The plot is something about Drakan: In Land of Krona, the race of Nadur and Eredur lives in union, but there was a third race - Dragons. They didn't want dur race to live on Krona - so the dur move to Troi and Sonos - two smaller islands borders with Azshara. They tried to fight dragons but without succes.
One day, Aerl seeing the oportunnity, captured a dragon - a mightly one called Devoh. And with help of his mage, he took dragon soul into his body in that manner, that he could morph into dragon. There was a hope for win. Dur didn't knew however, that Dragons were only a pupper of something other, but evil. The Soulbond pact was born. Dur and Dragons joined into bond, so Dur was a Dragon and a Dragon was a Dur.
Dragons, before the pact, were under command Gylagg the Evil, commanded from neightborhood moon. He come to Krona and the Great War began. They fought Gylagg and their minions but in poor results - The population of Dur and Soulbonds were low. Some of the Soulbonds went into hiding as well as Dur, some went to destroyed cities and trying to recover wht was left and rebuild the past glory.
The ~500 years after that, there is another danger... Strange portal summons something, that isn't good.
That was the short story. So, what do you think? I can improve this a bit. I'm gladly to read comments and sugesstions.
In March 2014, I decided to run blog hosted on about works. If you want, you can subscribe or look somethimes, I won't promise I will be writing every day or month. I could write something about story or making assets.
Anyway, I repair PC, and I'm getting to work on real stuff. These 3 years for me were thinking about game elements, UI, story. At first, I wanted to make it concentrated about main character, then about world wich she would take actions - Azshara. But I think the original idea was better.
The plot is something about Drakan: In Land of Krona, the race of Nadur and Eredur lives in union, but there was a third race - Dragons. They didn't want dur race to live on Krona - so the dur move to Troi and Sonos - two smaller islands borders with Azshara. They tried to fight dragons but without succes.
One day, Aerl seeing the oportunnity, captured a dragon - a mightly one called Devoh. And with help of his mage, he took dragon soul into his body in that manner, that he could morph into dragon. There was a hope for win. Dur didn't knew however, that Dragons were only a pupper of something other, but evil. The Soulbond pact was born. Dur and Dragons joined into bond, so Dur was a Dragon and a Dragon was a Dur.
Dragons, before the pact, were under command Gylagg the Evil, commanded from neightborhood moon. He come to Krona and the Great War began. They fought Gylagg and their minions but in poor results - The population of Dur and Soulbonds were low. Some of the Soulbonds went into hiding as well as Dur, some went to destroyed cities and trying to recover wht was left and rebuild the past glory.
The ~500 years after that, there is another danger... Strange portal summons something, that isn't good.
That was the short story. So, what do you think? I can improve this a bit. I'm gladly to read comments and sugesstions.
Re: General post regarding my game.
Rynn and Lady Myschala trone. I've got more of this. Used as reference material.

Re: General post regarding my game.
WOW, your models look pretty good. It's good to see someone is going to build a new player level. I want to try my hand at it but I kept having issues with the editor and finally decided to wait until I could devote more time and effort to learning the editor and modeler. Once I get it running on my tablet I'll have no excuse to start my own. I have a few notes and simple drawings that I'd like to bring to life.
I'm interested in seeing what you have planned. Could you provide a link to your blog? Good luck with your effort.
I'm interested in seeing what you have planned. Could you provide a link to your blog? Good luck with your effort.
Re: General post regarding my game.
take it:
Re: General post regarding my game.
I know that this is bump from topic that have almost 3 years, but this is topic about my game - so update news.
This is how my game looks like now: ...
Design documents are done. Remember that I'm doing this in my spare time, so this road is long. However I'm starting to keep refreshing my blog.
I have all data (textures, models, music) extracted from Drakan 2, but they will be replaced in time (because of licence) - but I thought that I could give you in this year a working copy of Surdana map in this year (anyway it would be a good exercise for me), wich could means Drakan: TAG on unity3d engine (well sort of it). You can say hello to me at our steam group, and see updates (and also comment there) about it.
This is how my game looks like now: ...
Design documents are done. Remember that I'm doing this in my spare time, so this road is long. However I'm starting to keep refreshing my blog.
I have all data (textures, models, music) extracted from Drakan 2, but they will be replaced in time (because of licence) - but I thought that I could give you in this year a working copy of Surdana map in this year (anyway it would be a good exercise for me), wich could means Drakan: TAG on unity3d engine (well sort of it). You can say hello to me at our steam group, and see updates (and also comment there) about it.
- Arokhs Twin
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Re: General post regarding my game.
Looks great what you have done so far. Looking forward to seeing any playable content; it's been a long time since any Drakan mods were made and although yours is a complete new game it looks like Drakan. I don't know why other devs haven't made similar games since. It would be nice to play something that reminds me of the Drakan game series.
Shame about your HDD crash - I've had that happen to me and I now back up to an external drive and dropbox which is also handy for getting access to my files from anywhere.
Shame about your HDD crash - I've had that happen to me and I now back up to an external drive and dropbox which is also handy for getting access to my files from anywhere.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame!
Webmaster of Arokh's Lair
Webmaster of Arokh's Lair
Re: General post regarding my game.
Now, I'm backiping to external HDD... but this also can be problematic - one of my hdd's felt from heigh and so... But for document's it's good to have copy on paper.Arokhs Twin wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:42 pm Shame about your HDD crash - I've had that happen to me and I now back up to an external drive and dropbox which is also handy for getting access to my files from anywhere.
For my game - I have working character controller with detectinig gamepad. Combat is working for proof. Dialogue system also works for proof - need to polish these to move on.
Re: General post regarding my game.
I would suggest checking out the Unreal Engine 4 if you haven't already to develop your game on. I don't know how far you are into it, but it would be better on it. It's so versatile and functional.
If you want to change to a more reliable HDD setup, I would recommend going to a RAID 5 configuration. The minimum drives you would need is 3 (Max 5, and they should be same make/model although don't have to be). It would use 1 as the parity drive (backup) in the case that 1 of them failed. If 1 failed, you can still run in degraded mode until to get another replacement HDD back in and rebuild the array.
If you want to change to a more reliable HDD setup, I would recommend going to a RAID 5 configuration. The minimum drives you would need is 3 (Max 5, and they should be same make/model although don't have to be). It would use 1 as the parity drive (backup) in the case that 1 of them failed. If 1 failed, you can still run in degraded mode until to get another replacement HDD back in and rebuild the array.
Re: General post regarding my game.
Looks like the game unfortunately has no updates. It is a pity that the tech demo has not been released, so player could give some feedback. Plot of this game also seems interesting,if author still wants to finishing this game, nice to present more description about world, for sure there will be users that will read it even when game isn't finished. I think Unity Engine is quite good for making own game, but requires time, it is really useful to import assets to save some time so you can make more game mechanics
- Hatchling
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:07 pm
Re: General post regarding my game.
Whoa, sounds like you've got a really cool story brewing! I'm definitely intrigued by the concept of a Dur-Dragon bond and the idea of fighting against evil from another world. I can only imagine how epic that would be to play out in-game. Can't wait to see the finished product!As for me, I'm always on the lookout for new games to try out. Graphics and gameplay are key for me, I gotta say. So I'm excited to see what you've got in store for us. Keep us updated, and good luck with your project! Oh, and btw, if you're ever in need of some inspiration, check out this link:
Removed the link. It looks like a SPAM - YanGez93
Removed the link. It looks like a SPAM - YanGez93