Forum closure (further update)

Discuss things related to this website and ask questions about the forum. New members can introduce themselves here too. Announcements will also be posted here. Note topics are auto pruned if not viewed within 30 days.
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Posts: 117
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2000 12:00 am
Location: United Kingdom

Forum closure (further update)

Post by Admin »

As it's drawing close to the end of the year and the deadline for forum closure I have decided to clarify exactly what is closing as there is some confusion as to if it's the whole forum or just the BoD section.

Here is what has / will happen:-

The whole forum (Drakan and BoD) is now members only. No new members can register but existing members can still post and contribute.
The BoD section has been made private so you have to be logged in to view it. This keeps it hidden from public view but still allows existing members to participate.

I was going to make the BoD section (not the Drakan and general forum) read only at the end of the year. I have decided to extend this by 6 months unless I get further trouble from our Chinese friend. An email has been sent out to all members.

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