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Now this would make a nice rynn...

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 5:28 am
by §mylez
would make a nice rynn in a movie, no?


Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:47 am
by Arokhs Twin
I think so yes. The Drakan world would make a good movie I think if it was done right with good actors and a decent scriptwriter / director - Peter Jackson would make an great choice. Imagine a film on par with the Lord of the Rings but based on Drakan.
They could even do it in 3 films, one based around the Order of the Flame being formed, the second about the betrayal of Navaros and the Order's destruction and finally, the third about Rynn and Arokh's adventure.

There was talk of a movie a long time ago on the planetdrakan forums; somebody said they had heard one was planned but I think they are wrong.
Who knows though? Sony might have had plans after all...

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 4:47 pm
by Outlaw Wyvern
YES! With green contact lenses and red hair, she'd be great. A movie would be so ideal, especially as laid out by A.T. I'm so glad you guys brought that up so I have that awesome 'what if' to think about now... because, frankly, I hadn't been considering the notion of a movie...and the way it's described above is a great start for the mental wheels.
Really, thanks for bringing that up.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:40 am
by The Darklord
Thumbs up for the idea. She just has the look to make a pretty good Rynn... Now, who to make Arokh's voice? That'd give a neat thread, asking everyone whose actors/voices would be great in the remaining roles of a hypothetical Drakan movie (assuming that the one presented would be Rynn).

Oh, and following A.T.'s idea, I believe that it would be required a 4th one, for the TAG story. Just a thought :)

BTW - Who's she?
<font color="red">[EDIT]Nevermind, I think I got it. "King Arthur"?[/EDIT]</font id="red">

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:52 am
by Arokhs Twin
Nah, I think the events of the two games could be made into one film albiet a long one.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 7:29 pm
by The Darklord
Hmm, if we take a closer look at the story we wrote about the game, it's almost 200 A4-pages; making a film out of it would be a bit big, I think... unless it's something in the likes of "Kill Bill".
And like Star Wars too... first, the OOTF/TAG movie(s), and after that the beginning of the order and the betrayal of Navaros... just my two cents :)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:48 am
If there are dragons in it which dun get killed, I'm for the idea >)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:52 am
by Navaros
oh my goodness, that pic looks EXACTLY LIKE RYNN!!!

great job, original poster! *pats him on the back*

Drakan would be a great movie IF:

1. keep it serious. no hokey, silly crap (despite the fact that Rynn was herself was a bit hokey/silly in OOTF). Peter Jackson might screw this rule up - he did after all screw up his movie 'The Frighteners' by making it a silly, asinine piece of crap rather than a serious, gritty, compelling masterpiece like it could have been.

2. get quality actors/actresses all around

3. hard "R" rating. no PG13. we want gore, and we want dismemberments. remember: grit sells!

now as for who should do Arokh's voice; that's easy. the voice actor who did Arokh in OOTF should do the movie voice. that guy had the PERFECT "dragon voice"

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:47 pm
There are many good voice actors for dragons... too bad the sheer number of bad ones "fade" them. :/

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:11 am
by §mylez
Yes... sorry for not making a response on the thread that I started, being my first thread as well. I really wanted to see this movie, but I have yet to make a successful attempt to dragging my friends to it. But I was looking at a review on a few days ago, and stumbled across this pic, and the first thing that poped in my mind was "Rynn".

All probabilities aside, the idea of a Drakan movie does tickle the senses... I wouldn't doubt for a second that if the drakan world was to be revived in a quality film, that it wouldn't be successful.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:29 pm
by The Darklord
Just heard that she's turned 18 few months ago, dunno if that's true. If it is... Heck, I'm gettin' old as hell.

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