Save / Test checkbox question

Anything to do with Drakan level editing and modifications, post it here! Also this is the place to tell us about your new levels and get player feedback.
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Save / Test checkbox question

Post by shoprat »

Hi all. Been coming here for a while picking thru the goodies and and I'd like to thank all the folks who stole my time becauce of playing their mods. Been a lot of fun and I really appreciate your work. I have many fond memories playing the game and most of your levels with my grandson. The first time he saw a giant he almost jumped off my lap. I had to map the spacebar button to primary fire so he could get into the action. I fly and walk... he kicks the a**. Now that he's about 12 we'll still sit together and gib everything in sight. He flys, walks and fights but I do the circle strafe!

I played around with the editor a few years ago doing odds and ends from the tutorials but didn't really have the time to do anything more. Besides, the first time I opened a complex level it was looking at the roadmap of Washington, D.C. Not very intutive to say the least. Now I've got some time to spend looking at it a little deeper but it seems most of the info is gone. Is there anywhere to get any of the surreal forum editing advice? I've been looking thru the archives using wayback. While it shows the original forum topics, it doesn't have the actual data inside the post. I'm hoping the data (or at least a part of it) are still available.

I've been stumbling thru the level editor and I'd like to ask about the save file checkbox that comes up when testing or saving levels. Seems about half the time it has one of the Drakan levels checked as default along with my test level. I haven't been allowing this but it IS annoying having to uncheck the thing. I don't want to corrupt my original files. I have a backup of the files just in case and I've only had to use them once (dammit!). How many files should be saved along with mine? Do you allow the original levels to be writen to?

If anyone has any links to level editing info I'd be grateful to have them. I've got the files off this site and been to Axes Site, but I need more input,input,input.....

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Post by Admin »

Hi there, glad you found this site useful and got some enjoyment out of the player made mods and levels.
As for the level editor, most of the sites that hosted information on it such as the Surreal forums have long gone. I have updated the links page on this web site to all the web sites that are still currently active so you might find something there.

The most expansive site is an FTP site where you can find just about anything. This is run by a member of the 'unofficial' drakan mod team and can be found here he has been a drakan fan since the game came out and there is a lot of information.

The level editor is known to be easy to corrupt your original game files if you are not careful so continue to make backups. I don't know about the checkbox thing but remember having similar issues you have with the editor. It's not the easiest thing to use but certainly there are some good player made levels out there so patience must have something to do with it. [:D]

I'd look at the player made level called 'The Breaking of the World' - one of the best levels with excellent attention to detail. Also try Journey to Azenera by Zeoc and Aergoth by dfoehammer. Both these latter two are on the upcoming levels page as they are incomplete but however are still playable. Azenera has four complete levels of a planned 8 level series.

If you need any help, just post here. You might not get a reply straightaway but someone will answer if they can help you.

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